Category Archives: Business

Want to Sell? Need to Market!


Angela DeCaires
Publishing Director

Unfortunately there’s a common perception among writers that getting their book listed for sale on Amazon or with other retailers means sales will automatically start to come in. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. If no one knows about your book, no one will buy it! This means that marketing the book is even more important than writing it.

Many authors are so focused on the writing, editing, and production of their book that they don’t start thinking about the marketing until the very end, when it’s almost too late. Whether an author uses a professional book publicist or does all their own marketing, there are several steps an author can take, while the book is still in the publishing process, to set the stage for marketing. Here’s where to start:

First, define the value proposition of the book. What is the purpose/goal of the book, and what will someone who buys it get out of reading the book? This should be done before writing, to make sure your manuscript delivers on the value proposition.

Next, identify the book’s target audience. Who are you trying to reach? Narrow down the sex, age range, level of education, buying habits, etc. of your target buyer. Unlike many authors think, not “everyone” is going to be interested in the topic of your book. Figure out who will and write it for, and market it towards, them.

Third, do your research! What are the other books in your genre/topic? How much are they selling for? How can you make your book different from the competition? What tactics will work best to reach them? These are all things an author should know before they publish a book.

Develop a marketing plan. In the plan, include your target audience and budget, then detail the steps and tactics that will be taken to reach the target audience and promote the book. There are many tactics in this digital age that are used to promote books: social media, blogging, paid ads, press releases, book signings, and more. Determining which ones are best for each book will vary depending on the target audience and genre.

All of the marketing and finances in the world won’t make your book sell if it’s not a quality product. Be sure your book is professionally edited by a book editor, and that you have an attractive and professionally-designed cover. These are things that will definitely make a difference in book sales.

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Kickstarting Novels, part 1

UntitledLaura Kajpust
Graphic Designer

Many people are interested in crowdfunding, and Kickstarter in particular, for getting the money necessary to turn their book into reality but they often have no clue where to start! So join me in a three-part series researching the good ideas from the bad when it comes to successful crowdfunding.

If you’re planning a Kickstarter, definitely start your research by examining other projects that are similar to yours—both the ones that succeeded and failed. To create a specific place to start, I chose to research Young Adult novels and primarily fantasy or science fiction. The more similar the project is to your own, the more what you learn will help you.

To start off my research, I didn’t watch a single video or read any descriptions. We will get to those in another post! For this part, I focused only on the rewards and the numbers. I made a list of projects I felt were similar enough to be helpful and made a list of all their reward tiers. What did they offer for how much, and how many people chose that level? I hoped this would give me some insight on what people who want to support YA Kickstarter books were after. (Many of these I believe will cross over into other genres as well, but I highly recommend doing your own research to know what may or may not work for you.)

Here is what I found:

EVERYONE WANTS THE BOOK. Granted, no surprise here. Most backers go for the tiers providing either an eBook or printed copy (signed books also do okay).

  1. NO, REALLY. From what I saw, a lot of rewards to get “other stuff” actually do REALLY poorly. T-shirts, bookmarks, and all that stuff are nice bonuses, but few people are interested enough to make them worth doing. This makes sense when you think about—if they haven’t read the book yet, how can they know they’ll love it enough to wear a t-shirt promoting it? Knowing this adds production costs anyway, I’d recommend novelists skip on these.On the other hand, it turns out people WILL pay for additional copies!
  2. EXCEPTION: Posters and prints. People do like these, especially if signed by any artists you’re working with. Luckily, you can get these fairly cheap!
  3. NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU. Here comes a harsh truth, so brace yourself. For whatever reason, it seems many self-publishing authors think offering critique sessions, marketing advice, and personal chat sessions are good rewards for those upper $100+ areas. It turns out . . . they’re not. No one really wants these. At all.Why? Because most people don’t know you or your background well enough to trust what you have to offer is both accurate and worthwhile. So, sorry, but you’ll have to keep your genius to yourself for now. However, if you are extremely popular or well-known in your field, then—and only then—will this be a worthwhile incentive to provide.
  4. FEW WANT RECOGNITION. It’s fairly common for being listed in a “thank you” page or acknowledgments to be a reward. In comics (my bread and butter), I have seen this listed on the low end a lot, but after looking at the numbers, I recommend doing the opposite. Even if at a $1, people first and foremost want the eBook or print book. They don’t care about the recognition. So put it as a higher bonus, so the big donors are who get their name listed—and, for what reasons, none of them seem to mind.
  5. PRICING: Value your book too low and it doesn’t seem worthwhile. Value it too high and people will think you’re crazy. ($100 for a book? Really??) Here is what I’ve noticed:
  1. eBooks are often at either the $5 or $10 tier
  2. print books are often $20 or $25, with $30 for signed copies

(This is actually very similar for comic Kickstarters, which surprises me a bit since their black and white books shouldn’t be costing as much to print!)

Most backers go for: $5, $10, $15, $25, or $35

While higher-paying backers are all over the place, they are rare, and (for YA novels at least) often don’t give more than $300.


  • NUMBER OF REWARDS: Too many is confusing, and too few gives little flexibility. 8-12 seems a good average. Personally, I feel 10 is pretty good. Something like: $1, $5, $10, $15, $25, $35, $55, $75, $100, $200
  • HARDCOVERS? Hardcovers are crazy expensive to print, especially for someone self-publishing. But don’t despair—it turns out people are okay paying a lot for them if you make them collectable and worthwhile! The only risk here is that it’s still an additional production cost on all the rest AND will cost more to ship. So if you do this, make sure you price it well.
  • PEOPLE WANT TO BE IN THE BOOK: Another good expensive reward is to name minor characters after donors. Turns out people like this more than following any “behind the scenes” stuff!
  • DOES GOOD DESIGN HELP? In the comics category, good design will help you a lot to get ahead, especially since you’re in such a visually dominated category. But for novels, it turns out (for better or worse) that it doesn’t matter as much as you think. Badly designed projects had just as much chance of getting funding as well designed ones, and were equally likely to fail. But for what it’s worth, well designed projects WERE more likely to be staff picked and made slightly more money (although not significant).
  • WRITING IS A HARD CATEGORY TO GET FUNDED. Publishing projects struggle to get funded on Kickstarter, for whatever reason. It is a long fight to reach your goal, and often slow. Even those that get funding barely get over 100 backers, or even 200. If they meet their goal, getting over that amount is just as difficult. I think this is important to keep in mind while planning.
  • For people only printing their projects (no publishing), their goal range was anywhere from $500 to $2,000. For those seeking publishing services (professional editing, cover design, layout, etc.) the range was between $4,000 and $7,000. These seem to be good, safe ranges to stick to.


To end my research so far, I’ll note some unexpected reward ideas I saw that worked:


  • Posting a PDF of the novel one chapter a week as a low tier, while those at a higher tier get the whole thing at once.
  • Related to above: a Facebook group to discuss the book as it’s being posted/edited/written.
  • Audiobook (higher tier reward)


PHEW, this is a lot of information to start with, but we’re not done yet! Next, we will look more specifically into videos, descriptions, and how to pitch it and impress. After that, we’ll end discussing how to plan out the process, determine your goal amount, and price everything out. I hope these posts will help authors understand what to look for when researching while also removing some of the uncertainty of the Kickstarter planning process.


Stay tuned for more!

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Getting ready to sell your books? Should you POD or SOD? And do you know what that means?


If you’re getting ready to have your book printed and start selling copies, you may think that you need to order a truckload of books. But did you know that about half of all titles published sell less than 250 copies per year? About 30% of titles produced worldwide actually go unsold.

Want to be able to avoid having a basement full of extra books? There are two methods every self-publishing author needs to know about: Print On-Demand (POD) and Ship On-Demand (SOD).

Print On-Demand is where an order is placed for the book by a buyer, the book is printed, and then shipped to the buyer. There are fewer upfront costs since you are not paying to print large quantities of a book before copies begin selling. The manufacturing cost per book is higher, but you will not have to pay fees to have the book stored at a facility, or store books in your home. This process also gives you the ability to modify your book content after it is published and before more copies are sold, if necessary.

Ship On-Demand is where a large batch of books is printed and then stored somewhere, and when an order is placed by a buyer the book is then pulled from inventory and shipped. Ship On-Demand is essentially the process used by traditional publishers who plan to sell large quantities of a title. If you have the money to buy a larger order of books, you will pay less per copy because of the volume of your order. This could mean more profit back per copy, since you paid less for those copies than you would pay if they are printed one at a time by print on-demand.

You’d be surprised to learn how many books sold today are printed using Print On-Demand versus Ship On-Demand. Ever ordered a book from Amazon? There’s a good chance that the book was printed after you paid for it!

So which is better for a self publisher? Here are some things to consider:

You don’t have much room in your initial publishing budget for manufacturing costs. You would like to pay a low cost per book by ordering a larger quantity.
You are unsure of how well your title will sell, and do not want to over-print. You don’t want to pay storage fees or store books at home. You want to set up distribution with a major book distributor (i.e. Baker & Taylor or Ingram).
Your publishing support provider (i.e. BookLogix) offers POD bookselling and pays you royalties when copies sell, without you having to order books upfront. You want to be able to ship the books yourself when you get orders from Amazon, your website, etc.

Regardless of which method you choose, be sure you have a good sense of all potential expenses that may be incurred, such as storage fees, processing fees, and shipping costs.

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Before You Write, Consider This!

shutterstock_131465393So you want to publish a book. Think you need to jump into the writing first? Not so fast!  Many authors believe they have to do all of the writing and then figure out the rest. But to help give your book a fighting chance, you have to do some “homework” first.

Before writing, ask yourself:

Why are you writing the book?

Common reasons: for fun; to build your business; to enhance your credibility; or to leave a legacy behind. Is your reason to make money? You risk disappointment. Half of all published titles sell less than 250 copies a year.

As you write, be sure that your book fulfills that “why.” Will you end up with a book that makes you look like a credible expert? Will your book bring in new clients?

What type of book is it?

Spend some time clearly defining your book. What is your vision or concept? Once you have defined your book, while writing, be sure that you stay focused on the end vision.

Who is your reader?

This is a crucial question to answer before you type the first sentence of your book. Every decision you make from word choice and writing style to the physical attributes of the book to how it will be promoted should be aimed at your reader.

Why would they read it?

Why would someone want to choose your book over another book in the same genre? Do you promise new information they can’t get anywhere else? Will you teach them something they never thought they could do?  As you write the book, be sure your manuscript delivers on that “promise.”

How can it be marketed?

Every author should be thinking about how they will promote their book to potential readers, and get them to buy it, before they write.  The genre of book, the audience you want to target as potential readers, and the “hook” that will make people want to read the book are all factors in what marketing and promotional methods you choose.

So do your “homework,” and get ready to start writing!

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I Want My Book in Book Stores!


Angela DeCaires
Publishing Director

You walk into the big box book store, and there they are, the latest new releases. It’s something every author wants to know about when they get started publishing their book: when will their book be in book stores? And although new technology and changes in the publishing industry have made it easier to publish a book, it’s not any easier to get it into book stores.

We actually don’t recommend that a self-publishing/independent author push to get their book into “chain” book stores right away. The model by which the industry operates doesn’t work in favor of self-publishing or independent authors. The authors have to fund the process of setting up the distribution, printing and shipping books to and from a distributor that supplies the bookstores, and they will be paid much less per book than the list price printed on the back. Distributors will pay 50% or less of the list price to the publisher (in this case the author). For many authors, that payment will not cover the cost of printing the books, let alone help with other expenses. Books can also be returned back to the publisher, and in many cases they come back damaged and can’t be re-sold. The publisher is then also out the money they spent to ship the books to and from the distributor’s facilities. And that’s all assuming that stores place orders for the book.

The author needs to also dedicate a large portion of their publishing budget to marketing the book, as retailers won’t order a book if they don’t know it exists. Simply listing a book with a distributor doesn’t mean it begins to show up in stores.

The good news is that the Internet has made book selling easier than ever and in most cases also means higher profits for authors. Authors should start out by selling their book online to gauge demand. If the demand is there, then they can move toward physical retail options. Local book stores, some of which are experiencing growth due to the closing of big box book stores, are generally much more receptive in general to independent authors. Terms of sale will vary depending on the store, so authors need to be sure they’re entering into a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Ultimately, good marketing is what sells books, regardless of whether it’s sold online, in stores, or both, so before a book is pitched to retailers, a marketing budget and plan need to be in place.

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Why Can’t I Have My Book Out Next Month?


We live in a want-it-now, get-it-now culture. Cell phones, DVRs, and eBooks have put everything we want at our fingertips. Book retailers like Amazon and Smashwords have programs that allow writers to upload a manuscript and start selling it as an eBook right away. So it comes as a surprise to many first-time authors that it will take an average of six to nine months for their book to be published. Keep in mind these timeframes are for self-publishing or hybrid publishing, not for traditional publishing, which can take two or three times longer. The timeframe for your book may vary—we see some books published in four and a half to five and a half months.

Editing: The editing of the book is the most important, and also the most time-consuming, part of the publishing process. Editorial can take anywhere from one month to six months depending on the intensity of editorial needed. Proofreading and/or copyediting generally have quick turnaround times, while line and developmental editing will take much longer.

Design & Formatting: The design and formatting steps can vary greatly depending on how much design is being done and the type. Getting illustrations done for your book will add a lot of time onto the design process. Whereas just having a cover designed may only take about two weeks or so. Having the interior of your book formatted will also vary a lot depending on the elements of the book (photos, graphics, etc.), but plan on a couple of weeks.

Proofing & Advance Review Copies: You should receive a printed proof of your book to review after the design and formatting is done. Take your time and review it to make sure everything looks good, and submit any changes. After this time you’ll get a set of advance review copies for you to send to book reviewers to get early feedback on your book, submit to people you’d like to get endorsements from, or use for any advance marketing efforts. They may or may not have the final cover on the book. Plan on a month or two of getting feedback from sending out the advance review copies.

Revisions: After you have gotten feedback from sending out your advance review copies, you may work with your editor to go back and make some revisions to the book.

Marketing: Many of your marketing and promotional preparations can be done during other steps in the publishing process, such as the building of your website and setup of your social media. Marketing is an on-going task that never ends once the book is published.

You really don’t want to rush any of these steps—they’re all critical to publishing a successful book. If you rush a step such as editorial, and put out a book that has mistakes, in the long run you could create more work and lost time (and expenses) for yourself in having to go back and make corrections. So while you may be rushing to get the book out because your friends are dying to read it, tell them it will be worth the wait!

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Raising $ to Publish Your Book

Angela DeCaires
Publishing Director 


If you’re thinking about publishing a book, by now you probably know that you’ll need funding to do so. There are many expenses associated with publishing a book, and it’s important to have enough room in your budget for each aspect of the publishing process to ensure a professional, high-quality book that is properly marketed.


But what if you don’t have the extra cash on hand to publish your work? Do you sit on that manuscript and wait years until you can cash in your 401(k)? There’s another option…crowdfunding! Many writers are now turning to crowdfunding to raise money needed to publish and market their book.


Whether you need money for editing, the design of the book, printing, the marketing, or all of it, if there’s enough interest in your book, you can raise some (if not all!) of the capital you need. There are many platforms an author can use to raise money for their book project. You’ve likely heard of Kickstarter, and there’s also GoFundMe, Indiegogo, and Pubslush. Pubslush is a great choice for authors because its focus is on books and authors specifically, whereas with other crowdfunding sites, you may be competing for attention against someone raising money for their baking business, for example, and the folks surfing the crowdfunding site may not be avid readers or supporters of literary endeavors.


Some important things to keep in mind if you’re going to crowdfund…

  • First plan out your whole budget before you post your campaign. Be sure to include all expenses from start to finish: editing, design, and marketing. And be sure to include at least a few months of marketing expenses, not just your launch.
  • Read the terms and conditions of the crowdfunding site carefully. What are the site’s fees? If you don’t reach your set goal, do you still get the money that was raised or none of it? Also, are there certain guidelines on the content of your book or type of book you’re raising money for?
  • Be sure to offer some good incentives to your donors—autographed copies of your book, maybe a special edition version, or something like offering to do a reading with their book club. It’s very important though to be sure to include those expenses into your budget. You don’t want to get your funding, publish the book, and then realize you don’t have enough money to print up those special hardcover books you promised to your donors.

And most importantly, have fun! Running a campaign and publishing your book should be enjoyable and fun, not work!


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What’s in a name? The real power of book titles

A book’s title is, arguably, the most important thing about the book. It should be engaging, creative, and most importantly, memorable. You want the title to roll off the tongue of the morning show anchor, be easy to include in a “Tweet,” or heard in the conversations of total strangers.

Many authors spend a long time coming up with their title, and use all sorts of methods to choose it. So what I’m about to say may surprise you: One of the biggest mistakes authors make is not doing enough research when selecting a title.

We’ve heard of times where an author published the book and then later realized there were many books for sale on Amazon® with very similar titles. Be sure you’re not using the title of a book that’s already published, or violating someone else’s trademark.

Here are some must-do’s for your selection process:

  • Type your proposed title into the search bar on Amazon® and Barnes & Noble®. Are there any titles that match it or are very similar? If so, how would a buyer find your book in the sea of all those books?
  • Next, try Google®. What comes up? Movies, song titles, other products? Too many items with the same name would mean your book gets lost in the crowd.
  • Now check to see if it matches anything that’s trademarked. Go to and use the search feature. If there are any matches, be sure to see what categories the filings are under. This site is only for US trademark filings—it doesn’t include international filings, so you may need the assistance of a lawyer for additional research.


Your book title is not protected by copyright (a common misconception). If the title of your book is critical to your business, or you want to take an extra step to protect it, consider filing for trademark protection for the title.

Your publishing support provider can work with you on researching and finalizing your book’s title. Taking those extra research steps will be well worth it when your book is published.

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Becoming an Author in the Digital Age

Ahmad Meradjishutterstock_213616528

You’ve just finished reading the latest hit book series, which will soon be in theatres as the next hit movie series, and you’re dreaming of becoming a famous author. Days of writing on a beach, a big advance check, a publicity manager handling your press tour to big cities…Wipe the sand from your eyes, you were dreaming! The publishing world has changed. The days where all you needed was your typewriter or computer and your beautiful mind are gone.

Today’s author has to be more than just a great writer. They also have to be a businessman, salesman, and publicist all in one. The further technology advances, the more the publishing industry is changing, and the more authors are affected.

Great writing ability is still the key to ultimately being successful as a writer. I don’t mean great characters and plot—what about your use of the English language? Are you bad at spelling? Do you use punctuation properly? The more technology changes, the fewer filters (i.e. editors) there are between the author and readers, and the higher the chance of poor writing reaching the reader. Today’s writers may also be writing materials related to the promotion of their book, and will need the skill to write those as well.

Are you ready to run your own business? If you want to be an author in the digital age you’ll need to be. As fewer and fewer authors are picked up by traditional publishers, here are some things you’ll face: deciding whether or not to form an LLC, production and distribution costs, budgeting for future books,  reporting sales taxes to the state, and more. Publishing a book is just like forming a business. You are creating a product and putting it into the marketplace with the goal of selling it. Once written, a book must be published and promoted like a business, by someone who thinks like a businessperson, not just a writer.

How comfortable are you speaking in front of strangers? Now what if you have to sell your book to a whole room of strangers in two minutes or less? Today’s author needs to act a bit like a salesperson, prepared to speak comfortably but succinctly about their book at a moment’s notice, and get total strangers to make a purchase. And what if you’re not with buyers in person, can you come up with tactics to get them to buy your book? Today’s authors are responsible for more and more of their own marketing, and yes, that includes those who are published by traditional publishers.

Are you up to date on the latest social media? Do you know what Vine is? You’ll need to know if you’re an author in the digital age. Social media is a critical tool to promote your book. You may say you’ll find someone to do it for you, but force yourself to learn it! A general comfort level with today’s technology is critical as an author.  You never know when you’ll need your website or Facebook page updated and suddenly have no one but yourself to do it.

If some of this sounds overwhelming, don’t let it stop you. There are lots of resources out there to help today’s writers on the path to becoming a published author, such as workshops, blogs, and writing groups.

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Creating synergy with your marketing team

Ian Douglas
Marketing Coordinator 


Synergy—what is it? Why is it important? Why are people still using that word? The discerning business man or woman may recognize the term as being associated with large-scale corporate mergers and acquisitions, but synergy’s relevance encompasses a much broader spectrum of business applications.

Merriam-Webster’s defines synergy as “a mutually advantageous conjunction or compatibility of distinct business participants or elements (as resources or efforts).” It derives from the Greek synergos for “working together.”

It is the responsibility of the marketer to perform advance reconnaissance on the client and subject matter before the first meeting takes place. However, it is also the responsibility of the client to inform their marketing team of as many things as possible, ensuring that both parties have all the information they need to form an efficient and productive relationship.

Synergizing with your marketing team means helping them help you: laying down a clear groundwork of any goals or guidelines you might have, remaining in constant contact, continuously fine-tuning your efforts, and achieving the best possible results.

If you are planning a social media or targeted marketing campaign, be sure to discuss your ideology, potential client base, and value propositions before the campaign gets under way to ensure that your marketing team doesn’t go off in a direction that doesn’t suit your ideals.

The incentives for sharing knowledge are numerous, but one must be careful not to unbalance the scale by weighing in too heavily. As with most things, there are two sides to the synergy coin; too much input and contact from a client can lead to negative synergy, resulting in a loss of productivity and quality for your marketing campaign.

If there is a negative synergy, the whole is less than the sum of its parts. In other words, sometimes marketers can actually accomplish more by working alone rather than working together. Rather than assuming that synergy exists, can be achieved, and will be beneficial, marketers and their clients need to take a more balanced view. Counter synergy’s natural allure by subjecting the information available to rigorous evaluation before staying a certain course. As with all things in the marketing world, continuous measurements and adjustments must be made for maximum benefit.

Measurement, balance, and evolution are the keys to marketing synergy. Trim your sails to the wind and set a course for success.


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